later , the temple was moved to teramachi as a result of hideyoshi ' s urban development policy . その後、豊臣秀吉の都市政策により寺町に移った。
- involved in the planning of the asaka canal and the project of nobiru chikuko (industrial development policy and the construction of nobiru harbor ) - 安積疏水の設計や野蒜築港計画に携わる (蘭)
after tanuma ' s downfall , the ezo development policy was abandoned and the persons responsible punished , but the shogunate government , anxious about frequent appearances of russian ships on the sea near ezo , made ezo a shogunal demesne for the defense of the northern land . 田沼失脚後、松平定信は、田沼の政策である蝦夷地開発を中止し責任者を厳罰にしたが、その頃、蝦夷地近海に頻繁に現われるロシア艦船に不安を感じ、蝦夷地の天領化、北方警備に幕府として取り組み始めた。